So, when I ask myself "Who am I ? " I find that there is no answer that satisfies what I believe myself to be. I have plenty of jobs: manager, husband, and father. None of these really hit the mark. The most interetsing thing to me is that it seems like I am expected to be "happy" with what I have or am. While there is a certain comfort and reassurance that comes from my daily tasks, I keep returning to the same thought, wisdom and experience are wasted on the the wise and experienced. Often ...
With my course load in school letting up I have finally decided to take the plunge and start writing. Important information that should be shared right away is that I have always been told that I have thick, good hair. Unfortunately it is now starting to come out of my nose. I have also lost 110 pounds over the past year. I lost some of the weight low-carbing, but then I found an even better method, I STOPPED SHOVING FOOD IN MY MOUTH AS THOUGH I WERE SHOVELING COAL ON A CROSS COUNTRY STEAM TR...